Saturday, December 25, 2010

So Long For Now

Due to a relapse in my health, I will not be writing this blog for a while. It takes lots of time and research, and I love it, but it just takes too much out of me.

So for now, you can still follow my other blog, and see what's happening. I'm sure it won't be long until the government does something I just can't keep my mouth shut about!

Hopefully I'll be back!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Obama and Eugenics

Very simply, eugenics is the science of genetically engineering organisms (specifically human beings) to get the most superior being possible. I FIRMLY believe that Mr. Obama is a eugenist.

Obama formed the Federal Coordinating Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research for the purpose of deciding which health practices are the best and most cost effective. Their recommendation goes to the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (NCFHIT), who will in turn decide when, where, and how a patient is to be treated depending on the diagnosis given by the doctor.

Emanuel co-wrote an article in the Lancet medical journal in which he stated: "Allocation of very scarce medical interventions such as organs and vaccines is a persistent ethical challenge. We evaluate eight simple allocation principles that can be classified into four categories: treating people equally, favouring the worst-off, maximising total benefits, and promoting and rewarding social usefulness. No single principle is sufficient to incorporate all morally relevant considerations and therefore individual principles must be combined into multiprinciple allocation systems. We evaluate three systems: the United Network for Organ Sharing points systems, quality-adjusted life-years, and disability-adjusted life-years. We recommend an alternative system—the complete lives system—which prioritises younger people who have not yet lived a complete life, and also incorporates prognosis, save the most lives, lottery, and instrumental value principles." ( January 2009) [emphasis mine]

He goes on to say: "The complete lives system discriminates against older people. Age-based allocation is ageism. Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years. Treating 65-year-olds differently because of stereotypes or falsehoods would be ageist; treating them differently because they have already had more life-years is not."

Huh? Isn't that the same thing? Treating a 65 year old because of sterotypes is wrong, but treating them by how many years they've lived is not? What a bunch of double talk.

So now some Committee who has never seen me, doesn't know who I am, what I do, whom I love, is going to decide if I get medical treatment ot not? That's a load of CRAP.

This Council was formed without Congressional approval, (by the President) and given $1.1 BILLION from the Stimulus Act. There are no practicing physicians on this panel. (Dr. Stanley Feld in Better Health Network, Health Policy, News, Research November 22, 2010)

Complete duplicity. That's all we see from Obama's regime.

"Though written in bloodless academic language, Emanuel's discourse most closely resembles one of Adolf Hitler's rambling pronouncements as know-it-all Fuehrer. Emanuel sums up who is to be treated, and who is to die: "When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated.'"

I don't care HOW the man defends this choice, it is what it is. He may SAY he's not a proponent of legalized euthanasia, yet very clearly demonstrates his position by declaring His "complete life system" theory inherently favors 15-40 year olds. And you know what really gets me? Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel has a sister with cerebral palsy. You'd think there'd be a little better understanding.

I could go on and on, but the point is this: Do I really think that Obama is going to start sending people off to death camps? Of course not.

I do, however, believe that there would be no happier man on the planet than Obama if ever so slowly the weak, the infirm, the demented, the crippled, the disabled and the "less-desirable" were eliminated from the human race. And he'll be even happier when it's done at the hands of his minions instead of his own.

I believe that ALL life is precious. What if Obama's children were born with a fatal disease? Would he withhold treatment from them? Of course not. But would he withhold treatment if YOUR child were born with the same thing? Something to think about, for sure.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Obama and Population Control: Has It Already Begun?

Let’s talk about China for a minute. I can’t even get INTO how they are backing NORTH Korea, and, should they call in our debt, would own the United States. I’m talking about their one-child-per-family law.

For decades, China has imposed a ban on most families, stating they are only allowed to have one child. Notice it’s not one pregnancy, but one child. Since the desired child was male, many Chinese baby girls were left on the steps of orphanages. Chinese women may have several babies before having a boy, and may have given every single one up for the chance to have a son.

On October 21, 2010, “36 year old Xiao Aiying was 8 months pregnant when twelve government officials entered her house, brutally beating and kicking her in the stomach before dragging her kicking and screaming to a state hospital. Her crime? She had conceived a second child and failed to pay the mandatory $40,000 fine for breaking China’s notorious one-child policy.” (

This poor woman was held down and given a lethal injection for her baby. She went to the hospital, bruised and beaten, with her dead baby still inside her.

You may be thinking, well, that’s China for goodness sake. They’re halfway around the world, and Communist! That would never happen in the United States.


President Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009. THREE days later, Obama reversed the Mexico City Policy. “The policy required non-governmental organizations to "agree as a condition of their receipt of [U.S.] federal funds" that they would "neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations". The policy had exceptions for abortions done in response to rape, incest, or life-threatening conditions.” (

What a perfect example of Obama’s duality. He said, “"We are reminded that this decision not only protects women's health and reproductive freedom but stands for a broader principle: that government should not intrude on our most private family matters. I remain committed to protecting a woman's right to choose." Yet his actions prove otherwise! Or maybe he only supports government intruding with our tax dollars for foreign abortions.


Obama’s nearly trillion dollar “stimulus package” gave over 10 percent to Planned Parenthood. So is this Obama’s tithe? I just find the percentage interesting.

A program from the Clinton Presidency “allows states to seek a waiver to offer Medicaid [Medicaid is not Medicare. Medicaid is completely free.] “family planning” services — including people who are not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid. If they seek the waiver, the federal government matches the state funding with $9 for every $1…”

The economic stimulus plan effectively eliminated the need for the waiver.
“As a result, all 50 states will now offer Medicaid “family planning” services (including contraception) with the federal government offering the same $9 to $1 match. Although the money doesn’t fund abortions directly, it goes to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business, which would otherwise have to spend its own money on contraception.” (

How is that NOT government supported abortion??

Tomorrow I will explore what else I believe Obama’s true feelings are on the government’s role in population control.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

One Child Per Family????

Okay, maybe some of you knew this already, but I just read it yesterday.

It appears that Ted Turner, who is suddenly immensely concerned with the environment, thinks most countries (including the U.S.) should adopt China's one child per family rule. His main concern is that we (human beings) won't be here in 5,000 years if we keep growing exponentially. (But what about the whole Darwinism-survival-of-the-fittest-theory, Ted?)

Ted Turner is best known for starting CNN, the first 24 hour news station. He is one of the wealthiest men alive. He's had his filthy mitts associations with Time Warner, AOL, MGM films and the Atlanta Braves just to name a few.

"By the late 1990s, Ted Turner was worth more than $2 billion; the largest private landowner in the U.S., he divided his days between luxurious homes in six states. A flamboyant and shrewd businessman, he was also a celebrity who worked and lived in the fast lane. In December 1991, Turner married Jane Fonda, movie star and liberal activist. Two previous marriages had produced five children, who sit with Turner and Fonda [don't even get me started on her] on the board of the charitable Turner Foundation." (Gale Encyclopedia of Biography: Ted Turner emphasis mine)

So he's a filthy rich guy with 6 posh, luxury homes in six different states, five children and huge corporations calling for Americans to implement a one-child-per-family law. But he does NOT support mandatory abortions or sterilizations for unplanned pregnancies. Well, gee, Ted, how gracious of you.

However, "Mr. Turner – a long-time advocate of population control – said the environmental stress on the Earth requires radical solutions, [like the one child rule].... He added that fertility rights could be sold so that poor people could profit from their decision not to reproduce." (

Has there ever been a more hideous suggestion? And the sad thing is, because he has money, people will listen to him.

I guess it shouldn't surprise me, since Ted Turner is an avowed atheist and all-round pig. And all of this to reduce our carbon footprint. Yup. Global warming.

Wait til you read tomorrow's gets worse. Much worse.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Protesting at Military Funerals

I'm not sure how or why soldiers and veterans have such a special place in my heart, because it's not like I grew up in a military family. From a very young age I was fascinated with Vietnam, and always thought how horrible it was that the men who served were treated so poorly when they got home.

NOW I have more of a niece married a soldier, who is currently overseas, and they have a darling little 3 month old baby. So now I have more of a face with the feelings, but I still have always felt really strongly about the military, and supporting and protecting it.

I have seen this before, but again on facebook today, a friend of mine pointed out how some people (who claim to be Christians, which REALLY gets my fire going) protesting at military funerals. I'm sorry, did you hear that? Protesting. Picketing. Yelling and screaming at mourning families that God is glad their child, brother, sister, husband, wife, nephew, is DEAD.

Are you kidding me??? Oh my GOSH that ticks me off. To those people I say, who the hell do you think you are? What have YOU ever done for your country? For your God? I am all for our rights, believe me. The government has way too much control over too much already. But this. This is too much. This should not only be illegal (which I seriously can't believe I have to even say that) it should also be punishable by law.

I do not care if you think war is atrocious. You're right. It is. I don't care if you think that there is collateral damage; you know what? There inevitably is, and that sucks. However, don't you DARE go to the funeral of a soldier who gave up everything for YOUR rights.

Some things should just be sacred. And this is one of them. Heaven help you if you're ever in MY area and I see you doing that. Shame on you.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wikileaks Part Two

Ya know, I would LOVE to get Julian Assange in a room with about half a dozen American soldiers about whom secret information has been leaked. One would probably be enough...Heck, put ME in there. I can't breathe, I have zero stamina, but I can hit really hard once. I would LOVE a crack at this guy.

Julian Assange doesn't even earn the title bully. He's a coward. He's putrid, sickening and downright despicable. Let him get his 15 minutes, whatever, but let's NOT make him a martyr. He's not good enough for that.

I mean seriously. There's freedom of the press, and then there's espionage. It's a darn good thing for his sake that this guy isn't an American, because he'd be in a hole so deep and dark by now all would be forgotten in a month's time. But no. He had to get his filthy mitts into many, many different pots and keep all this stuff tied up internationally til the end of time.

But American will have her justice. I guarantee you that. Mr. Assange WILL pay the piper for all the dancin' he's been doing, and I'm not sure he'll be able to foot the bill.

The people who are defending this worm really tick me off. Again, it's the extremist nutjob claiming that freedom of the press is covered under the First Amendment. Well I've got two words for ya Julian: PATRIOT Act.

Title VIII [of the USA PATRIOT Act] alters the definitions of terrorism, and establishes or re-defines rules with which to deal with it. It redefined the term "domestic terrorism" to broadly include mass destruction as well as assassination or kidnapping as a terrorist activity. The definition also encompasses activities that are "dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State" and are intended to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population," "influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion," or are undertaken "to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping" while in the jurisdiction of the United States. Terrorism is also included in the definition of racketeering. Terms relating to cyber-terrorism are also redefined, including the term "protected computer," "damage," "conviction," "person," and "loss." [emphasis mine]

Now, "supporters" of this madman are hacking protesting websites, such as MasterCard. Apparently "Operation Payback" is responsible for this.

Okay kids. This goes beyond not playing nice in the sandbox. Seriously.

Iran claimed today that they now have the capability to complete the entire nuclear process, from mining the uranium to flipping the switch. I don't doubt they have this capability, and I don't doubt for one heartbeat that Ahmadinejad would wipe Israel off the map. Well, TRY to anyway, because we all know that God will rebuild his people no matter what.

Then there's North and South Korea. One false move there, and someone with an itchy trigger finger starts World War III.

I'm just sayin'. Do we really need creeps like Julian Assange hacking his way into secret military documents that effect thousands of missions and lives of soldiers all around the world?

I know he's not an American, but if he ever gets to American soil for prosecution, rest assured he will NOT cause problems again.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Julian ASSange

The only appropriate thing about this man is his last name. The first three letters of his last name, specifically.

I'm all about freedom. Anyone who has read anything on this blog, or knows me personally knows I'm all about freedom. I think the government has way too much control of our every day lives, and that people should have the right to use their common sense to live their lives.

The only problem I have with personal freedom is when one person's act endangers many other lives. If someone wants to spout hateful words about another race or religion, they can, I suppose. They are only words. The person spewing hate only looks ignorant anyway.

But when one MAN (and I use this term loosely) like Julian Assange leaks CRITICAL military information on an international website, just for kicks...THAT, my friends, should be classified as terrorism.

Julian Assange is a terrorist just as much as Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, and all the men involved in all the attacks on the United States on 9/11. This pompous, self-centered egotist published information that could get thousands of people killed, and destroy the infrastructures of more than one country, including the U.S.

Do you have a problem with war? Fine. Protest. War is ugly. I get that. Do I like it? Of course not. Is it necessary? Yes, sometimes, it absolutely is. Would I leak information to the entire world (and all those factions good or evil therein) about which factories in the U.S. make vaccines? A thousand times, NO!

"In addition to listing dams, bridges and mines, the cable identified specific factories that are key producers of vaccines and weapons parts. The release of the list 'is really irresponsible. {that's a polite word for it} It is tantamount to giving a group like al-Qaeda a targeting list,' said State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley." (

And do you know why the S.O.B. got arrested, finally? He turned himself in for alleged sex crimes against 2 women in Sweden. Are you kidding me??? At worst, he could get four years in jail for that.

Wikileaks has said that Assange's arrest would not stop them from releasing more sensitive documents. As a matter of fact they are planning on releasing more cables tonight.

Assange's lawyer, Mark Stephens threatened Swedish and U.S. authorities. He "said this weekend that his client was prepared to retaliate if charged. He said Assange might release the secret code - with a 256-bit encryption key- of a massive file quietly distributed this summer that contains thousands of unredacted documents." (Anthony Faiola, Washington Post Foreign Service.

Talk about spy games. In my opinion, this guy should be put in the deepest, darkest hole in nastiest, coldest prison on the planet, and left alone for the rest of his pathetic, wanna-be life. Men like this are like those who suffer from short-man syndrome. He probably has some deep childhood secret or fear that makes him feel inadequate, so he must come up with a way to get attention.

But this is far more dangerous than the run-of-the-mill schoolyard bully: Most bullies don't end up with the death of thousands of innocent lives on their hands. So let it be clear, Mr. Julian Assange, that you are a pawn of satan himself. I hope you rot away somewhere where no one has ever heard of you. I hope that you become a victim of the consequences of your own stupid, selfish actions. And I hope other people learn a lesson from this.

Our military works 24/7 all year 'round, every day, all day, to keep us safe. They don't get a break. They don't take vacation. Someone is constantly on guard. Because if they were not, we would be in a world of hurt.

I encourage you to support our military and leaders and they pursue getting their hands on Assange to try him for crimes against the U.S. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Anchor Babies and the 14th Amendment

I received an e-mail from a friend this morning regarding "anchor babies." Anchor babies are children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants, who have U.S. citizenship upon their birth. PRO-immigration groups claim that this is a natural interpretation of the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution which among other things states:

"Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

Citizenship is usually determined by either jus soli (right of the soil) or jus sanguinis (right of the blood). The United States is one of the countires that operates under jus soli, according to the 14th amendment. This means that all that is required of someone to achieve U.S. citizenship is to be born here. Under jus sanguinis, you must have at least one parent already a U.S. citizen to be considered a citizen at birth.

If you do a little checking, you will find out that the 14th amendment was intended to protect African slaves who were brought over to the U.S. on ships. It was more of an anti-discrimination law than an immigration law!

I completely agree with Arizona, and now Texas. I hope and pray more states take a harder stance on immigration issues. Once an illegal is here, OUR government pays for their food, medicine, education, incarceration and much, much more. The cost of all of this is staggering. Maybe until the U.S. figures out our OWN issues we should simply close the borders altogether.

According to the U.S. Census, the number of foreign-born, 0-4 year olds estimated in 2003 was 33,751,944. Those from European nations numbered 4, 861,934. That number was almost doubled by Asian born children at 9, 238,656. Latin American foreign born children 0-4 years in 2003 totalled nearly HALF of all children counted. All other nationalities came in at 2,138,441. (

Almost 20 million of those 33,751,944 born were illegal.

That's a LOT of anchor babies. They are called anchor babies because they act like anchors to their families who would be the boat. Once they get dug into U.S. soil, they aren't going anywhere. And why should they? They get jobs and medicine at the expense of real U.S. citizens, and their children get educated here. We even incarcerate their criminals instead of deporting them.

Just food for thought. Think about his issue...and contact your governement representative to them know that the 14th amendment needs to be modified to state that it does NOT include illegal immigrant children born in the United States.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Government Control Vs. Common Sense

Apparently there are people who need the governement to help them figure out how much cold medication to give their child.

"Now the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is weighing in, with a new study published online today of 200 of the top-selling cough/cold, allergy, analgesic and gastrointestinal over-the-counter liquid medications for children that finds disturbing levels of inconsistency in medication labeling and measuring devices." Read more:

Inconsistency in medication labeling and measuring devices. Well, a teaspoon is pretty much a teaspoon no matter how they label it, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Oh, yes, it may have ml's on it also. That would stand for milliliters, folks, and 5 equal one teaspoon.

"Despite new voluntary guidelines released in Nov. 2009 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for drug companies that make liquid medications — especially for children — the confusion persists." Read more:


You must have a license to drive a car.
You can't buy a pack of cigarettes until you are 18.
You can't purchase alcohol until you are 21.
You must have a license to get married.

But anyone can have a child. That's probably a whole different post, but it just AMAZES me that parents depend so much on labels and measuring cups that they need the flippin' FDA to get involved! Figure it out, people, it's not rocket science.

I mean seriously! If you can't figure out how to give your kid a teaspoon of medication without a little cup that only has a line for one teaspoon on it, maybe you shouldn't be in charge of a child's entire life. And I suck at math, so you can't use that for an excuse either.

Teaspoon is abbreviated tsp. This is NOT the same as Tablespoon, abbreviated Tbsp. Adult measuring cups for Nyquil and such don't HAVE teaspoon measurements, because the dosage is listed only in tablespoons.

I don't know, maybe I'm being too harsh. It just seems like there is so much more the government could and SHOULD be concerned about than things that should be common sense.

Maybe I'm just stoned from too much cold medicine!