Monday, November 1, 2010


Okay people. Make SURE you go out and vote tomorrow!! We have the power to change up a LOT of things in the Senate and the House. I'm not much more of a fan of Republicans than I am Democrats right now, but at least with a Republican controlled House and/or Senate, Obama cannot keep running amok in America!

If you aren't sure of specifics on the candidates, or even everything that will be on your ballot, you can check out Down a little ways on the right hand side of the web page is a place where you can enter your zip code and get all the information you need.

PLEASE do not go into this election uninformed. It is a chance for REAL CHANGE in America. It's a pretty sure bet that Obama will NOT will reelection, if the approval rate means anything. The danger is in what damage he can do between now and then. Two years down, two to go. And in my opinion, he's made enough messes already!

So please. Vote. It is not only a wonderful right and privilege, fought and bled and died for; it is a duty. Especially if you are a Christian. You have an obligation to God and country to participate in the freedom that separates America from many, many other countries. Don't take your rights for granted! Exercise them!

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