Friday, August 27, 2010

Obama, Islam and Israel Part One

Hold on to your knickers boys and girls... this is going to be a wild ride! A friend of mine introduced me to Ari Lipkin (pen name V. Mordecai). He has some very interesting beliefs about Obama and Islam.

Bear with the hint of conspiracy theorise, and please read this through with an open mind and willing spirit. I think God is speaking loud and clear, and we need to get the crud out of our ears and listen before it's too late...if it isn't already!

Mr. Lipkin has been trying to warn us about fanatical Muslims for years. His wife Rachel listens to Saudi Arabia and Egyptian news reports and translates them. Some of the things she hears are simply shocking. Avi Lipkin believes that Mr. Obama may be an actual plant from Saudi Arabia, sent to confuse us, and benefit THEIR cause. I know....just keep reading.

One Saudi Arabian news report had a high government official saying "we will have a Muslim in the White House in 2008." Another quotes the foreign minister of Egypt saying, "Mr. Obama told me he was a Muslim." So then in my opinion, we must decide if Obama is truly a Muslim for the Lipkins' views to pass muster.

First of all, both Obama's biological father and step-father were of the Sunni Muslim tribe. According to Muslim faith, if a father is Muslim, his son is as well. For the first 11 years of his life, Obama was raised Muslim, "waking every morning to the sound of salat" (the call to the first of five required daily prayers of the Muslim faith). Those are Obama's words in quotes.

Also let's not forget that he BOWED before the King of Saudi Arabia.

The following are statements taken word for word from Obama's televised speeches. When put together, they are very damning.

"I have a problem with some domestic issues, and as soon as I finish with health care, you Muslims will see what I will do for Islam regarding Israel."


"I have known Islam on 3 guides my convictions."

"I have a deep appreciation for the Muslim faith. My Muslim faith..." {Keep in mind that the Qur'an (the holy book of Muslims) commands Muslims to "deceive the infidels." Infidels are any who do not follow Allah.}

"Civilization owes a debt to Islam." According to President Obama, Islam founded the following: Algebra (Arabs used Algebra in the 7th and 8th centuries. Hindus, Greeks, Babylonians and Egyptians all used Algebra before Christ.)

The magnetic compass (Um, nope. Ask the Chinese about that...they invented it.)

Pens and printing (Well, technically the Greeks (who by the way are not Muslims) were the first to create a pen and paper system.)

How disease works and how it is spread, and how it is healed. (Um, the Bible talked about this....anyone ever heard of leprosy?? Or Jesus healing the sick?)

FOUR different times in one speech, Obama said "The Holy Qur'an teaches us," or "The Holy Qur'an tells us." I've never heard him say "The Holy Bible teaches us that..."

Obama also said "Iran is a great and celebrated culture, and has made the world a better place." Well they DID invent butter, so I might give him that one.

In my opinion, it is VERY clear, from is own admissions, that Mubarack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. With Muslim faith. Who follows the Qur'an. Who is NOT a Christian. Who is a danger to our country. Who we should NOT trust for one second. Who does NOT have America's best interests at heart, but rather Muslim's best interess. Why? I'll tell you in part two!

Stay tuned!

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