Have you ever noticed that you never seem to "all of the sudden" get in trouble? For example, financially. Typically, you spend a little here, a little there, and after time, you have way too much stuff, and not enough money.
Or with weight. You don't wake up 50 pounds heavier, you gain it one pound at a time. And you may not even notice.
This, my friends, is how I honestly feel about the rise of Islam.
So they want to build a mosque at Ground Zero. What's one more?
So a full 20% of male babies in England were named Mohammed (or various spellings thereof, making it the most popular boy's name in England and Wales, replacing "Jack" which has held the title or 14 years previously.) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ So what's in a name?
According to a study by the ISA (Israel's Security Agency), Hamas (known as the Islamic Resistance Movement, is a self-described Palestinian national liberation movement, with a socio-political wing and a military wing; wikipedia.com) is gradually stretching out its tentacles into the Gaza strip for what is known as "Islamization" or the complete take over of Islam in an area. (israelnationalnews.com) They have done things like encourage dialogue on internet sites about Islam and Mohammed, and utilize newspapers for columns that people supposedly write in to with questions (so they can preach their belief system "gently.") Doesn't everyone have web pages and forums for their belief system?
Hamas has also "recommended that UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Work Agency] examine the curriculum taught in its schools and adapt it to Arab society, as well as reconsider the hiring of female teachers to work in boys’ schools." - israelnationalnews.com via Prophesy News Watch Aren't they allowed to use what curriculum they want, and mandate that only male teachers teach boys?
There are two problems with all of this. First of all, the Gaza Strip belongs to ISRAEL. Islam is trying to infiltrate God's people. Secondly, they are using seemingly harmless, maybe even superficially beneficial programs and ideas to promote their beliefs.
We MUST be aware of what's going on not only in our country, but also around the world. God has a time table and the days on the kingdom calendar have only so many pages. And when time's up, time's up. Which side will you be on?
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